In 2021 we celebrated an important milestone as an institution, during a very special time for humanity. We invited the world to join us in celebrating our message of understanding and hope.

Youth For Understanding started its student exchange programs in 1951 as a bridge between two cultures that had been enemies at war. Step by step, those bridges were uniting more cultures, connecting hearts, and opening minds for a brighter world.

We are proud of the job that has been done thus far, and we are convinced of the ongoing importance of it. We are going to keep working to unite the world through understanding and respect. YFU is a big family made up of many members: thousands of volunteers who donate their time, welcoming host families, students with the curiosity to broaden their horizons, and schools all over the world that open their doors; all of whom make running this global operation possible.

Thank you to all the host families, who selflessly open their homes and hearts to provide young people with the experience of a lifetime. Thank you to all the volunteers who assist the students during their exchanges, train orientations, find and interview families and students, and who communicate the spirit of YFU as global citizens. Thank you to all the schools, which help these students participate in a new world full of possibilities.

We could not do any of this without each one of you, so thank you for all that you do and thank you all for being global citizens!

The exchange program is just the beginning. Its effect shapes the rest of our lives, defining our personalities, and influencing our paths in life. It bonds us with people from different parts of the world who will remain our life-long friends and family members. Making a better world is possible and it starts with each one of us. 

YFU’s Anniversary Celebration Team

Thank you message from 70th Anniversary Celebration Team to everyone who celebrated with us!