Coloured Glasses: from Chile, closer to schools
July 22, 2021 17:54
This anniversary has reminded us of the rationale behind YFU's exchanges; the value of diversity and the importance of finding ways to spread this message to young people.
“Coloured Glasses” is an educational programme created by YFU years ago, taking its name for the reference to the analogy of the sunglasses which represent the cultural filters through which we observe and interpret reality. The aim of the workshop and different activities that compose this programme, is to allow young people to examine their own attitudes towards their own and other cultures, and gain an understanding of issues such as discrimination, prejudice, human rights, responsibility and stereotyping, in order to develop their intercultural competence.
In 2021, YFU Chile published and shared the Spanish translation of the most recent manual of the YFUs educational program called “Coloured Glasses”, or in Spanish “Lentes de Colores” with other offices from Latin America. You can find it in our website
Additionally, and together with the Ministry of Education of Chile and a renowned Chilean NGO (Fundación Chile), we adapted and contextualized the Coloured Glasses program to the latinamerican context and aligned it with the recently enacted Chilean Law of School Inclusion. The purpose was developing an open, free, and online course that would allow any teacher and/or educator to acquire the necessary tools to develop and implement a more inclusive education in their classroom and school community. This, through the implementation of very concrete activities that teaches children and teenagers about global and intercultural citizenship. The course already had more than 400 participants in the first semester, and we hope it continues to be a success in its next edition. If you would like to know more about it, you are welcome to read the following interview with Fernando Gualda, our national director, from a few months ago: Interview.
Author: Daniela Montenegro Herrera | Coordinadora Marketing y Comunicaciones
Youth For Understanding Chile