Hosting an exchange student is the best way to world peace
Since our eldest son went to Germany as an exchange student through YFU, we decided to be a host family. To tell the truth, some of our other sons were reluctant to accept the exchange students into our home, but gradually they changed. Our sons came to feel sympathy for their host brothers through sharing time and space. Our family learned a lot of things from our exchange sons, not only their culture or way of thinking but also the joy of sharing and understanding.
We have hosted three boys from different countries. Each of them has a unique personality and we enjoyed living with them. The first exchange student we hosted was very sociable and positive. He was always cheerful and kept smiling even if he had hard time in communication. The second exchange student was very shy, but interested in Japanese tradition and culture. He learned Japanese calligraphy, flower arrangement, origami and so on. Before leaving Japan, he could get dressed in a kimono by himself! I can’t forget his pleased face when he wore his favorite kimono and went out for festival at night. The third exchange student was very diligent and learned and absorbed many things like a sponge.
We hope many families will host a lot of exchange students around the world, because we believe this is the best and nearest way to world peace.