5 tips and tricks to write YFU Anthem
June 17, 2021 22:26

1) Start with something small. Getting started is often the most difficult part in every creative process. Don’t let yourself be stopped by not having a ready song in your head. At the beginning keeping your track as simple as possible is an excellent way to unlock your songwriting process.

2) Take your inspiration from your experience. There is no better way to write the YFU Anthem than condensing your experience and YFU values into lyrics. It will help you to have a clear message you want to get across then play with the rhythm, structure and cadence of your words to fit them around your melody.

3) Do it together with your YFU friends. Getting an outside perspective on your song from a friend can help you to bring the best out of your music, especially if this person is a fellow YFUer. Two heads are usually better than one. Try singing it together, discuss new ideas and enjoy the process of creativity.

4) Make notes of your ideas! Inspiration and ideas might arrive in the most unexpected moments! As a songwriter, there is nothing worse than finding an amazing melody or riff and completely forgetting about it an hour later. Write down lyrics or make recordings of the melody, so you can work on it later!

5) Use existing melodies or create new one. Don't hold yourself back from writing a real YFU anthem if you don't have a musical education! You can use copyright-free songs suggested by the anniversary celebration team or find others that are available worldwide. The Celebration Team will greatly appreciate original songs. More information in

To participate please send us lyrics and recording by July 15th to yfu70anniversary@gmail.com
More information HERE.