Global Media Committee
Spreading the message of YFU
Welcome to YFU Global Media Committee's site! We are a team of volunteers dedicated to share the YFU Spirit all across the globe, and to shed light on what is happening all around our global YFU community. See below the upcoming campaigns and join us on our mission by sharing your YFU story with us!
We are Taru, Franca, Luisito, Shalese, Lena, Graciela and Jordan, and we make up the GMC. In Autumn 2022, inspired by the success of the 70th Anniversary celebration team (ACT), YFU Global Office kicked off the process of gathering volunteers interested in media to form a global media team. This team is now in full force, steaming ahead with multiple campaign ideas and looking for YOUR story to share in YFU’s social media!
Our mission is trifold:
1. Promote YFU's educational and professional impact
2. Engage with the Global YFU network
3. Promote YFU’s role and impact in the civil society